
Correction: Characteristics and changes in Japanese public administration research: statistical content analyses of article titles in Public Administration Review Quarterly (1978–2019)

Correction to the article https://doi.org/10.1007/s43545-023-00734-3

Published online 24 August 2023

I noticed an inaccurate English representation regarding sentences introducing prior literature.

This error is minor in expressions and I will contact the publisher for correction when I become aware of another major error.




9ページ第2段落の "Saito (2011) used the same method to survey studies "を "Saito (2011), regarding the same method, surveyed "に訂正すると、文意が明確になります。


Correction: User satisfaction with Tokyo Metropolitan Government ward office counter services

Correction to the article https://doi.org/10.3389/fbuil.2023.1116966

Published online 6 February 2023


I noticed an error regarding the notation of references at the end of the paper.

This error is minor in notation and I will contact the publisher for correction when I become aware of another major error.



Moteki, Y. (2021b)の論文の正確なタイトルは「Factors determining customer satisfaction with counter services of local government offices: On-site survey examining service quality at Higashihiroshima city Hall, Japan」です。


Correction: Customer Satisfaction with Branch Office Services in Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture


Correction to the article https://doi.org/10.1007/s11115-021-00574-w

Published online 1 January 2022


I noticed three inaccuracies in the geographic description

of the study's location in the paper and asked the publisher to correct it and publish an errata.

(2023/08)This correction was reflected on the official website. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11115-023-00738-w

1. In L3 on page 807, correct "the former Saijo Town area" to "Higashihiroshima City".

2. On page 806, line 6 from the bottom, and on page 807, line 7, "Kawachi" should be corrected to "Kochi".

3. On page 821, line 7 from the bottom, "Kurosemachi" to "Kurose-cho".





1. 807頁のL3の「the former Saijo Town area」を「Higashihiroshima City」に訂正する。

2. 806頁下から6行目、807ページ7行目の「Kawachi」を「Kochi」に訂正する。

3. 821頁下から7行目の「Kurosemachi」を「Kurose-cho」に訂正する。