Correction: Characteristics and changes in Japanese public administration research: statistical content analyses of article titles in Public Administration Review Quarterly (1978–2019)
Correction to the article https://doi.org/10.1007/s43545-023-00734-3
Published online 24 August 2023
I noticed an inaccurate English representation regarding sentences introducing prior literature.
In the second paragraph on page 9, "Saito (2011) used the same method to survey studies" should be corrected to "Saito (2011), regarding the same method, surveyed" to make the meaning of the sentence clearer.
This error is minor in expressions and I will contact the publisher for correction when I become aware of another major error.
9ページ第2段落の "Saito (2011) used the same method to survey studies "を "Saito (2011), regarding the same method, surveyed "に訂正すると、文意が明確になります。
Correction: User satisfaction with Tokyo Metropolitan Government ward office counter services
Correction to the article https://doi.org/10.3389/fbuil.2023.1116966
Published online 6 February 2023
I noticed an error regarding the notation of references at the end of the paper.
The exact title of Moteki, Y. (2021b)'s paper is "Factors determining customer satisfaction with counter services of local government offices: On-site survey examining service quality at Higashihiroshima city Hall, Japan".
This error is minor in notation and I will contact the publisher for correction when I become aware of another major error.
Moteki, Y. (2021b)の論文の正確なタイトルは「Factors determining customer satisfaction with counter services of local government offices: On-site survey examining service quality at Higashihiroshima city Hall, Japan」です。
Correction: Customer Satisfaction with Branch Office Services in Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture
Correction to the article https://doi.org/10.1007/s11115-021-00574-w
Published online 1 January 2022
I noticed three inaccuracies in the geographic description
of the study's location in the paper and asked the publisher to correct it and publish an errata.
(2023/08)This correction was reflected on the official website. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11115-023-00738-w
1. In L3 on page 807, correct "the former Saijo Town area" to "Higashihiroshima City".
2. On page 806, line 6 from the bottom, and on page 807, line 7, "Kawachi" should be corrected to "Kochi".
3. On page 821, line 7 from the bottom, "Kurosemachi" to "Kurose-cho".
1. 807頁のL3の「the former Saijo Town area」を「Higashihiroshima City」に訂正する。
2. 806頁下から6行目、807ページ7行目の「Kawachi」を「Kochi」に訂正する。
3. 821頁下から7行目の「Kurosemachi」を「Kurose-cho」に訂正する。